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WHAT IS.......



W/T/C: = Walk, Trot, and Canter (Lope)


PLAYDAYS aka Gymkhana: 

It is a combination of horse and rider timed events or compete in games on horseback such as the egg and spoon race. There are usually four events at each playday: Poles, Cloverleaf Barrels, Straight-away Barrels, and an optional Jackpot Race. Riders can ride for fun or compete in play day. Riders must compete in his/her age group/class to receive points. Points are awarded on the basis of the rider's finish/place. Riders accumulate points for each event that they compete in. At the end of each play day, winners in each age group will receive an ALL-AROUND award on the basis of his/her accumulated points.



The National Little Britches Rodeo (NLBRA) allows children ages 5 to 18 to compete in a variety of different rodeo events. The NLBRA provides three different age groups. Little Wrangler is a coed age group of children between the ages of 5 and 8. Kids ages 9–13 are junior contestants. Senior contestants are ages 14 through 18. Both the junior and senior divisions are broken down into boys and girls events. There are also coed events for the junior and senior categories.Girls events: Senior Girls breakaway roping, Senior Girls barrel racing, Senior Girls goat tying, Senior Girls Trail Course, Senior Girls pole bending, Junior Girls breakaway roping, Junior Girls barrel racing, Junior Girls goat tying, Junior Girls Trail Course, Junior Girls pole bending.

Boys events: Senior Boys bareback riding, Senior Boys saddle bronc riding, Senior Boys bull riding, Senior Boys steer wrestling, Senior Boys tie down (calf) roping, Junior Boys Saddle Bronc Steer Riding, Junior Boys Bareback Steer Riding, Junior Boys bull riding, Junior Boys breakaway roping, Junior Boys goat tying, Junior Boys Flag Racing. Coed events: Senior team roping, Senior Dally Ribbon Roping, Junior team roping, Junior Dally Ribbon Roping, Little Wrangler barrel racing, Little Wrangler Goat Tail Untying, Little Wrangler Flag Racing, Little Wrangler pole bending.

In addition there are awards based up senior and junior all-around cowgirl and all-around cowboy. A number of notable Pro Rodeo cowboys got their start in Little Britches rodeo. Mam if you want you babies to grow up to be cowboys/girl this is where to start.



Is a western-style equestrian sport that evolved from the common ranch work of separating cattle into pens for branding, doctoring, or transport. Ranch Sorting is an event that pits a team of two riders on horseback against the clock. Teamwork is the key with both riders working in harmony to cut out the correct cattle and drive them to the pen while keeping the wrong numbered cattle back. There are several variations of ranch sorting with one, two or three riders on the team, but all require sorting the cattle from one pen to the other in the correct order. Ranch sorting is performed in two pens that are fifty to sixty feet long with a twelve to sixteen foot opening between the pens. The corners of the pens are cut at 45 degrees. Both pens are the same size and sorting can take place from either pen to the other.

At the beginning, there are eleven calves at the end of one of the pens with numbers on their sides for identification. The judge raises the flag and when the riders cross the gap between the two pens the clock starts and the competition begins. The judge raises the flag and when the riders cross the gap between the two pens the clock starts and the competition begins. The team of two riders have to move the cattle one at a time from one pen to the other in numerical order, starting with a random number called by the judge. The fastest time wins. If a calf gets from one pen to the other out of order, then the team is disqualified.



Is a western equestrian sport that evolved from the common ranch work of separating cattle into pens for branding, doctoring, or transport.

Today it is a fast-paced event that gives a team of three riders on horseback from 60 to 90 seconds (depending on the class or the sanctioning of the event) to separate three specifically identified cattle from a herd of 30, and put them into a 16' x 24' pen through a 10' opening, at the opposite end of the arena.

The sport features 30 head of cattle, typically yearling beef cattle (mature cows or bulls are not allowed), with numbers affixed to their back, three each wearing a number from 0 through 9 or with colored collars attached. Timing starts once the line judge has dropped his flag as the lead rider's horse crosses the foul line. At that time, the announcer identifies the cattle to be separated by calling out a randomly drawn number or collar color. The riders must cut out the three head that have been nominated, take them to the opposite end of the arena, pen them and call for time.

Teamwork is the key with all three riders working in harmony to cut out the correct cattle and drive them to the pen while keeping the rest of the herd (sometimes called trash or dirty cattle) back.

The history of the sport is thought to date back to 1942 when brothers Ray and Joe Yanez, along with Canadian cowboy Bill Schwindt were sorting steers from a herd of cattle on a Ventura County, California ranch. During a lunch break the trio reportedly came upon the idea of organizing what were routine cowboy chores into a competitive sport, one in which cowboys could showcase their horsemanship. The first organized competition is thought to have taken place at the Ventura County Fair in August 1949.

Today, the sport is a fast-growing western horse sport in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. In North America, the primary team penning sanctioning organization is the United States Team Penning Association (USTPA), headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. There are an estimated 93,000 active team penners in North America.



Is a group of horses and riders performing choreographed maneuvers to music. Teams typically perform at rodeos, horse fairs, parades, benefits, and drill team competitions. Drill teams are intended to entertain, show sportsmanship, horsemanship, team work and dedication. Competition drill at the national level is a controlled ride and has continuous forward motion. Some competition venues have set up special divisions of competition to provide for novice, rodeo, youth, gaited and special effects (as allowed at the venue) such as theme and drama. Theme drill provides a division that allows teams to showcase their uniforms, horse ability, music, and inclusions of trick riding or other variations.

Members must have a uniform appearance, including outfits, hats, tack, and flags (if used). Horses should be of the same type, e.g. stock type, gaited, or miniature, however matching horse colors or breeds are at the team’s discretion. Teams can range in size from four horses (Quad team) to 20 plus horses.

At competitions, a drill team is judged on ability, including spacing and alignment, timing and coordination, originality, difficulty, and attractiveness of patterns, speed, horsemanship, uniformity, manners of the animals, music, and crowd appeal. Categories can include Novice, Youth, 4-H, Gaited, Theme, Rodeo, Quad, or Open.

The United States Equestrian Drill Association (USEDA) is the governing body for mounted drill and color guard competitions in the United States. The USEDA sanctions competitions throughout the United States. The United States Equestrian Drill Championship (USEDC) is held each June at the Texas Rose Horse Park near Lindale, Texas as part of Super Ride - an International Festival of the Equestrian Arts.



The Walk Trot classes are designed for novice or beginning level riders who are not skilled or experienced enough yet to be able to lope their horses. Walk Trot status should be based on the rider’s ability only-not on the age, experience or health of horse; not on the horse’s training level; nor on the rider and horse’s experience together. Competition in the Walk Trot classes is designed to be among riders who are less experienced, thus allowing an even playing field for beginning riders to compete safely and to have a positive show experience. Allowing riders with more advanced skills to compete in the Walk Trot classes would negatively impact the goal of nurtur

ing our beginning riders. Walk Trot riders are usually in their first or second year in the 4-H Horse project and are not yet skilled

enough to be able to lope (unless authorized by their 4-H project leader that they should continue in walk trot classes for a longer period of time). Likewise, non 4-H Youth exhibitors should be novice level or beginning riders who are not yet skilled enough to be able to lope their horse.



Is for children as young as three years of age.  The child has to be accompanied by an adult, who will be participating in class by learning how to keep themselves and child safe while on the ground and while the child is riding.  Adult will be leading horse and giving cues to the horse while the child learns how to properly sit, start and stop the horse, and play games while riding, such as Simon Says, mother may I, and ring toss.



The dun gene also is characterized by primitive markings, which are darker than the body color. Primitive markings include:

  • Dorsal stripe (stripe down the center of the back, along the spine), seen almost universally on all duns, grullos and some buckskins

  • Horizontal striping (zebra stripes on the back of  the forelegs, common on most duns/gullos, although at times, rather faint

  • Shoulder blade shade, the least commonly seen of the primitive markings

What Is A Coggins

The Coggins test checks for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) antibodies in the horse's blood. To insure that an animal is not harboring the virus a simple blood test is performed. Blood samples must be sent to a state approved laboratory. The Coggins test (agar immunodiffusion) is a sensitive diagnostic developed by Dr. Leroy Coggins in the 1970's. You need a clean Coggins test for interstate travel, horse shows and events, trail rides, boarding, selling your horse, in office veterinarian care, or anywhere your horse comes in contact with other horses (even at home). Most countries require a negative test result before allowing an imported horse into the country. A Coggins test should be done on an annual basis.


Equine infectious anemia or equine infectious anemia (EIA), also known by horsemen as swamp fever, is a horse disease caused by a retrovirus and transmitted by blood similar to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The virus is endemic in the Americas, parts of Europe, the Middle and Far East, Russia, and South Africa. The virus is a lentivirus. Like HIV, EIA can be transmitted through blood, milk, and body secretions. Contaminated surgical equipment and recycled needles and syringes can transmit the disease. Mares can transmit the disease to their foals via the placenta. The risk of transmitting the disease is greatest when an infected horse is ill, as the

blood levels of the virus are then highest. If you never

take your horse/s off your property, have no other

horse/s coming to visit your property and your horses

are at least 200 yards from other horse that surround your property you do not have to get a coggins unless those factors change. Plan on at least 3 days before you get the Coggins certificate back from the vet or off the Internet. Your Vet should remind you when it's due like your vaccination

Traditional Coggins Test

Newer Picture Coggins Test


The Only  Stupid Questions, Are  The Ones Not Asked!!!

What vaccinations should I give my horse, and how often?


Encephalomyelitis: = VEWT: The first disease every horse needs to be vaccinated for is encephalomyelitis. This disease is commonly called "sleeping sickness". Encephalomyelitis is a group of viruses that attack the brain. The most common types that affect horses in North America include WEE (Western Equine Encephalomyelitis) and EEE (Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis). Encephalomyelitis is spread through mosquitoes who acquire the virus from birds and rodents. The first symptoms of WEE or EEE include: fever, depression and poor appetite. Eventually the horse may become completely paralyzed resulting in death. Venezuelan equine encephalitis or encephalomyelitis (VEE) is a mosquito-borne viral pathogen, after infection, equines may suddenly die or show progressive central nervous system disorders. VEE, a threat to humans as well as horses, was identified in the United States in 1971, and it is always given with Tetnus=VEWT.


West/East Nile Encephalitis: Like Eastern and Western encephalitis, West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes. The West Nile virus vaccine is administered twice a year during spring (April to May) and fall (September to October), the height of the mosquito season. Infection with West Nile Virus does not always lead to signs of illness in people or animals. Horses appear to be a species that is susceptible to infection with the virus. In horses that do become clinically ill, the virus infects the central nervous system and may cause symptoms of encephalitis. Clinical signs of encephalitis in horses may include a general loss of appetite and depression, in addition to any combination of the following signs: fever, weakness of hind limbs, paralysis of hind limbs, impaired vision, ataxia (weakness), head pressing, aimless wandering, convulsions (seizures), inability to swallow, walking in circles, hyperexcitability.


Influenza/Flu: Influenza in a very contagious equine disease; it is spread through horses just as it is through humans, it can be transferred throughout horses very quickly. Sneezing and coughing can spew the virus into the air where another horse may inhale it. Once inside a horse's respiratory system, the virus leads to more coughing, sneezing, drainage from the nose, fever and poor appetite. This influenza is very contagious and needs to be vaccinated for, especially if you travel with your horse, or come in contact with other horses. While influenza is typically not life threatening for the horse, it can lead to permanent respiratory track damage if not addressed. Flu vaccines may be necessary up to even 3 months for a very active horse. Your veterinarian will consult you and inform you of how often you need to vaccinate for influenza.

Rhinopneumonitis: This viral disease can take several forms. It is an equine herpes virus (there are two types, labeled “1” and “4”) and causes mild respiratory infection, primarily in young horses. Infection is acquired from other infected horses. Like influenza, the immunity the horse develops from vaccination can last less than two months, and horses can become latent carriers (with the virus present in the body but not active) of the equine herpes 1 virus. This means the horse stays infected but does not show symptoms or infect other horses unless stressed. Once stressed, however, the horse may or may not show symptoms, but can be a source of infection for other horses. Equine herpes 1 can also cause abortion in pregnant mares. When horses are shipped and congregated together there is more stress on latent carriers. These horses may then become viremic (meaning the virus has become active in the body) and cause abortions in the herd. For this reason, most brood mare farms require that mares be vaccinated for Rhino at five, seven, and nine months of pregnancy. Even this procedure does not always prevent abortion, and yet some mares will not abort even if they become sick. FLU/RHINO is usually given together


Streptococcus Equi (Strangles): This is a contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract that occurs primarily in young horses. It is characterized by inflammation in the nasal passages and throat, a nasal discharge, and abscesses in the regional lymph nodes. It is rarely fatal, although complicated cases do occur. Strangles is usually contracted through contact with infected horses, and this bacteria can live in the environment and become concentrated where large numbers of horses congregate. This strain of strep bacteria can also be transmitted by contamination of inanimate objects such as water or feed buckets. Infected horses may shed this bacteria for several months, which can then infect other horses.


Rabies:  Yes, horses can get rabies and it is fatal. To contract rabies, the horse must be bitten by a rabid animal. Wild animals such as skunks, fox, raccoons or bats are the usual sources of infection. Vaccine manufacturers recommend annual vaccination for horses, although the same vaccine is known to provide protection to dogs and cats for at least three years. There have been cases of rabies in vaccinated horses.


Tetanus: The last disease to vaccinate your horse for is Tetanus. Tetanus is also commonly called lockjaw. The tetanus bacteria can live in dirt, rust, and many other air-deprived areas. Contraction happens when the horse comes in contact with the bacteria through a wound. The bacteria then enter the horse's bloodstream where it can cause stiff muscles, heightened sensitivity, flaring of the nostrils, and stiff legs. Eventually the muscles throughout the horse's body will become stiff and prevent the horse from eating and drinking. If infected, the horse will die from the muscles tightening throughout its body. Humans can also be infected, so vaccinations are equally important for the horse owner as is the horse. (Usually Given With The VEWT Vaccine)


You should always check with your Vet for what is the best for your horse in your area.

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